responsibilities: 職責
1) -plan and teach pe lessons for high school leaners. 高中體育課程的備課與教學與活動組織
2) teach or organize the learning of football, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, hockey, golf, fencing and taekwondo 進行足球、籃球、網球、羽毛球、乒乓球、曲棍球、高爾夫球、劍術、柔道等課程的教學和相關活動的組織
3) organize extra-curriculum sport activities組織學生與體育運動相關的課外活動
4) cultivate students perseverance and tenacity within the curriculum;培養學生堅韌頑強的品質。
5) use technology as a vehicle for learning and integrate ict skills teaching within instruction where appropriate; 運用現代技術教學,將ict技術用于教學中
6) foster a stimulating learning environment ****d on understanding and respect. 相互理解和尊重,營造良好的學習環境
7) do other work related to sports and pe course. 負責其他與運動和體育課程相關的工作。
qualification requirements:
1) bachelor or higher degree with teacher certification,over two years’ related work experience 體育教學專業畢業,本科或以上學歷,具有教師資格證,兩年以上相關工作經驗.;
2) responsible, committed, ethical. 負責、盡心,有良好的職業道德
3) proactive. 積極主動
4) willing to learn 善于學習
5) hard-working.吃苦耐勞
五險一金 提供食宿 員工旅游 帶薪寒暑假 年終獎金 每年加薪
responsibilities: 職責
1) -plan and teach pe lessons for high school leaners. 高中體育課程的備課與教學與活動組織
2) teach or organize the learning of football, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, hockey, golf, fencing and taekwondo 進行足球、籃球、網球、羽毛球、乒乓球、曲棍球、高爾夫球、劍術、柔道等課程的教學和相關活動的組織
3) organize extra-curriculum sport activities組織學生與體育運動相關的課外活動
4) cultivate students perseverance and tenacity within the curriculum;培養學生堅韌頑強的品質。
5) use technology as a vehicle for learning and integrate ict skills teaching within instruction where appropriate; 運用現代技術教學,將ict技術用于教學中
6) foster a stimulating learning environment ****d on understanding and respect. 相互理解和尊重,營造良好的學習環境
7) do other work related to sports and pe course. 負責其他與運動和體育課程相關的工作。
qualification requirements:
1) bachelor or higher degree with teacher certification,over two years’ related work experience 體育教學專業畢業,本科或以上學歷,具有教師資格證,兩年以上相關工作經驗.;
2) responsible, committed, ethical. 負責、盡心,有良好的職業道德
3) proactive. 積極主動
4) willing to learn 善于學習
5) hard-working.吃苦耐勞
五險一金 提供食宿 員工旅游 帶薪寒暑假 年終獎金 每年加薪
上海市徐匯區漕溪路196號匯陽廣場501室 ( 上海 - 徐匯 )
上海湖畔思源教育科技有限公司 2020-10-21
中文未來教育科技(北京)有限公... 2020-08-10
上海徐匯區恩菲爾進修學校 2019-09-16